Categories: Essays

Happy international women’s day!!

What an absolute joke.

When trans women are under attack every single day, constantly told that their womanhood is invalid, threatened to the point where their lives are in danger.

When a strange man walking up on the street and saying “excuse me miss” is so frequently followed up by the thought, “this is how I die.”

When there’s so much petty bickering and posturing between women who feel threatened by one another, and see each other as competition.

When most of us can’t go a fucking second of our lives without being sexualized by unwanted eyes.

When the coming of age story for every little girl involves sexual advances from an older man.

When I’m not allowed to play didgeridoo, an instrument that spoke to me in dreams and helped me unlock my potential as a healer, because I’m a woman.

When so many seek to minimize my power because they don’t feel comfortable around women who are intelligent, strong, and talented.

When I’ve given up on sex and dating entirely because I’m just so weary and jaded from dealing with heteronormative relationships.

When even as an attractive white American woman with a university education, from my seat of supreme privilege, I STILL feel all of these things.

When there has to be a day of the year devoted to acknowledging and celebrating women, because otherwise it doesn’t happen.

Fuck that.

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