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Philosophical question of the day: do emotions have a place in our actions and reactions?

Of course they’re involved in perception, processing, and decision making. But do they belong in action and reaction?

This came about when I was pondering anger, and wondering about its role in our daily lives. Where does it belong, and where is it unhealthy. As far as I understand, it can best be surmised as follows:

It’s ok to feel angry. Anger can be healthy, anger can be justified. The trick is to feel it, observe it, and let it go. The problem arises when you start holding onto it and letting it influence your actions in real time. Worse than mere influence is reacting in anger, or letting that anger take the driver seat when in a situation where you’re feeling reactive.

For example, snapping at someone because you’re angry and they’re just being a human. That’s reacting in anger, which never ends well. You can even go so far as to plan out actions motivated by anger. That’s not acceptable to do. Someone will get hurt.

Might have to save the big Ben $$ for now; as usual, I(m about to pass out.

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