
A continuation of yesterday’s post:

I find myself quite conflicted and confused in terms of this attraction dilemma. On the one hand, my inner Disney princess wannabe craves romance. I daydream constantly about the magic of meeting that perfect partner who enjoys my weirdness, who brings me flowers and makes me feel like the most special person in the world. I want to travel with someone and fall asleep on their shoulder in a train, hold hands in while strolling through a foreign city, and kiss on top of mountains. I want to have stories about sweet things they’ve done for me that make the listener go “awwww”

So it’s not that I don’t like or want romance. And it’s definitely not that I don’t want sex. That I would very much like to explore on a deeper level with a trusted partner who makes my body sing in ways I never knew to be possible.

So why do I have this feeling about friendly love, where I want to get close to people without the sexual or romantic themes?

Where does that fit in with my grand scheme?

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