Categories: Diary entries

Teasing out all the tangled tales and straightening them into stories with beginnings and ends is something that has always challenged me. Sometimes, the stories just happen all their own, isolated incidents with definite characters and plotlines. Many times, however, I have to identify and extract them from the soup of experiences, something which is especially true following an event or travel.

At this moment in time, I want to talk more about Love Burn. There’s so much left to say, so many thoughts running rampant around my head. Despite the vast expanse of content to pull from, I still find myself sitting and staring at an empty screen, wondering what to write.

What’s worse, I find myself falling asleep while trying to do something about it.

Another night, another battle won by sleep. I think I have to try and start writing in the middle of the day somehow. It’s a shame, because I have so much to talk about, and a goal to uphold. Ah well.

Until next time

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