
I’m reaching a point in time where I’m getting very weary of interacting with most men, due to my own lack of inner peace and strong boundaries. It’s becoming a chore. The people pleasing paired with my sometimes gullible nature leaves me in many situations where I don’t know how to act, or don’t realize until it’s too late that I’ve opened the doors and cornered myself.

Far too often, I find myself asking the question: What’s worse, making him mad, or putting up with it?

It’s exhausting to choose between wasting my precious time and energy or potentially triggering somebody that could possibly turn aggressive. The choice is there for me to set healthy boundaries and own my space, of course; but with where I am right now, that can be a bit of a struggle. People pick up on inauthentic boundaries. They know.

I’ll have to talk about this later, as I’m going through my usual motions of falling asleep behind the keyboard. Until next time…

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