
Today brought about something unexpected. I’d just finished spending the week in an alternate dimension full of artists and creatives, and was heading down to Miami for some catching up with my best friend, Danann. She had just finished working at Love Burn, and was on her way to the airport. She and I only get to see each other on occasion, when our sperate travels manage to miraculously line up. I associate her with travel and adventure.

Theoretically, I should I have been deep in the creative mindset, plotting out my next big escape into the wild unknown. And I was, at first. Something happened though.

I found this white and black patterned pencil skirt at a thrift store the other day. The fit is killer, with just the right marriage between classy and curve-hugging. It was meant to be used as part of a costume at love burn, but never made it out of the box. Today, I decided to offer some redemption by wearing the skirt out to pick up Danann.

I’ll be straight up, I think I look fantastic in that skirt. Professional, fashionable, shapely. It had me feeling like a million bucks, so I decided to stop and get an insanely overpriced coffee.

One large lavender iced latte on oat please.

It was in the moment where I picked up my cup and looked at my hands that I realized how I felt about swirling an expensive iced coffee in my hands while looking the way I did.

I liked it.

I really liked it

Even more shocking was the moment of revelation that this was what I wanted for myself. I want to be polished and well-kept just enough to feel like it’s important to maintain good posture and keep my chin up. I want to be able to afford fancy coffees. I want to smile and flirt with the cashier and make them blush, and have the confidence to feel good about it.

Somehow this all tied in to the vision of me in my own studio apartment, where I cook the food I want to eat and buy myself flowers once a week.

Yes, my friends, I realized today that I want a career job.

Forget about the manual labor, forget about getting dirty, forget about wrangling in hippies. I want to have zoom meetings and important phone calls. I want to be flown out to conferences and business trips. I want to look like a killer boss ass bitch and have my own disposable income.


Who woulda thunk.

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