Categories: Diary entries

Tomorrow is the big day!

Well, today is. It’s 6am. I intended to be waking up now, but will have to allow myself a bit of sleep, if my mind can settle down long enough. It’s always like this before traveling or heading to events; I stay up all night packing because my brain is going a million miles an hour. Exhaustion is the only way to get any rest in this scenario.

I’m feeling quite perky now after my unintentional nap earlier. After driving back from packing the U-Haul for our camp, I fell asleep in the driver’s seat of the car. It took me by surprise; I didn’t feel at all tired during the drive home. It was like my body suddenly recognized that I was in a safe place and shut down. I snoozed in weird positions for a few hours, waking up occasionally to reach for my belongings so that I could exit the vehicle and get to packing. Multiple times I woke back up with something slipping from my hands that I had been trying to pick up. Eventually I gave in and leaned the seat back for what turned out to be an astonishingly restful nap. Total shutdown.

Soon, I’ll be getting out of bed and heading towards this mythical place that’s been dominating my last two months.

I’m heading to Love Burn!

I’m super overwhelmed, to be honest. The preparation process has dredged up a lot of unhealed wounds from my time back at The Rhythm Hut, and I find myself being reactive in response. Not great. All of it layered on top of preparing for this thing that I’ve never seen or experienced before, plus the undercurrent of financial stress with how bloody much I’m spending, has been challenging me in ways that I don’t feel to be handling well.

I do hope for some growth and insight in the next week.

I ought to get some rest. It’s going to be a big one.

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