
I believe in the flow.

What amazes me the most about this world, consistently, over and over, is the kindness of people. I recognize that I receive more of it than the average person, because I’m attractive and white and charming. Yet I still believe that many people are good at heart, and genuinely enjoy doing things to make others happy.

And sometimes, the universe just seems to align itself to where those people suddenly appear all over. Helpful strangers and friends who reach out with extended hands. There are times when they all seem to just coalesce, magnetized towards the draw of whatever is going on when things suddenly start falling in place.

What is it, that draw? It feels sometimes like being chosen by spirit to help channel the good things and forward momentum. When I’m in that flow, it doesn’t just feel like I’m receiving abundance. It feels like there’s just a need for an outlet, a place for good things to happen, and sometimes I just so happen to be in the right place at the right time as the one who is able to flow from one story to the next.

People are attracted to that, because they want that for themselves.

Wow. I can’t keep up this writing before bed thing. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve fallen asleep while writing. I think I need to start challenging myself to use my time better.

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