
33. My favorite number. The age I am now. The age I will soon be no longer.

33 is special because it’s the meeting of 11 and 3, which mirror each other on the pyramid of Mayan numbers. The pyramid goes from 1 to 13, with 7 at the peak. Every number besides 7 has a mirror. 1 is mirrored by 13, 12 mirrored by 2, 11 mirrored by 3, and so on.

11 is a sacred number to me, being the one that represents me in the Mayan and Aztec calendars. Its unique in that it’s the only number that mirrors itself. Combine that with 3, the number of the divine trinity and mother/sisterhood, and you have yourself a pretty sweet number.


Less than a week now before 34. Nothing monumental happened, just another year passed by. Wild that I feel that way. I mean, I’ve lived in 2 countries and 2 states this year. I lived in Sydney, one of my favorite cities in the world. I fell in love. I gave away most of my belongings so I could chase after that love. I ended up staying here, where snow is never an issue. I went on road trips. I performed on stages. I did so many things, things I should be proud of.

I’ll work on it. For now, I’ll work on my other project: sleep. My nightly ritual of jamming together some words and calling it a blog is complete. Time to go. Byeeee, virtual diary


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