
So. In December, I started meeting Burners to upcycle refuse from my parents’ sign shop.

One of these was a fellow named Eben. Eben and I connected over the discovery of having mutual friends from our days working in the same department at Michigan State. Talking to him was a joy; it had been years since I’d spoken to an academic on this level, much less one with such an artistic inclination and brilliant, neurodivergent mind. He soothed all of my concerns over not fitting in with the Burner crowd, and convinced me that I would enjoy myself if I found the resources to attend.

I ended up at a Burner party for New Years’ Eve, convinced by several wonderful people to give it a go, even though I was resisting. I was afraid, again, that I wouldn’t fit in, and that I wouldn’t have a good time. Of course, I was wrong, and deep down I knew I would be. Sometimes, I guess I just need to panic so that people can soothe me and remind me that everything will be ok.

I arrived at the party fraught with anxiety. I didn’t know what to expect or who I would encounter. On my way in, I saw a man smoking a cigarette. Perfect. I stopped to chat with him. Pro tip for introverts: People smoking cigarettes are the easiest to approach when you’re at a gathering by yourself. Often times, they will welcome an opportunity to chat while they finish their smoke, and then allow you to walk back in with them. If all goes well, they’ll introduce you to your friends.

This is exactly what happened to me with Jave. One friend led to another friend, who led to another friend, who ultimately realized that I was “the sign girl” from Facebook. The people rejoiced, for Sign Girl had been contacted at last.

By the end of the party, I had a handful of new friends, and a burning desire to attend this thing that everybody kept talking about. I made my decision. I messaged Eben to ask if he still had that ticket. He did. I bought it, and sealed my fate.

Thus, I joined camp Gaysayers in their very first theme camp, boasting the project: “Lil Chapel of Self Lurve”

It’s a wonderful concept. Participants are invited to create vows and marry themselves as the ultimate expression of self love. I know that I will personally need to go through the process myself once or twice.

Sleep is coming once again to claim me as I sit on the deck of my parents’ condo, watching the rain roll in. I could sleep out here all night. I would, if not for the neighbors and the wet.

Well. For now, I’m once again signing off, but I do hope you tune in again tomorrow!

Hasta la vista

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