
It’s my birthday!

Or it was, up until 2 hours ago. Once again, I’m writing well after midnight, struggling to eke out some words before I fall asleep. I’m trying a different approach tonight from the past week and firing up my laptop. Much quicker and easier to finish sentences when I’ve gone cross-eyed and begun to nod off this way; ten fingers are far superior to two clumsy thumbs.

A summary of the first day on this revolution around the sun:

I started off last night by taking my friend B down to an open mic in Miami. It’s a lovely little vibe there, located in a backyard with a small stage and busking setup for sound. Cool bohemian cats with the type of vibe that I’ve only ever seen in Miami. People who like art, and make art, and wear high heels on a Wednesday night around a small campfire. I had high hopes for him wowing the crowd with his incredible music and possibly getting some leads on gigs, producers, whatever. Nah. He was put on stage first, before anybody else, with a crappy sounding mic and a bored, disengaged audience. I think I wanted it too hard.

Still, I had myself a wonderful time. Met a birthday twin, had happy birthday sung to me in Spanish. Got some henna on my arm, which presumably will last for the next two weeks.

Tonight, B and I headed over to a giant birthday cake being built for this infamous Love Burn situation. What was meant to be a party with music and fire spinners ended up being 4 of us sitting around and talking shit for a couple hours. Honestly, fine by me. The less pressure, the better.

I’m so grateful to have met so many amazing people in my short time here in South Florida. I can only hope that the trajectory continues in a positive way, and that I can develop a good social and professional network in my area. For now, I’ll simply relish in having been blessed by abundance.


Anyway, it’s sleep time. Goodnight, online journal that pretty much nobody reads.

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